Universal empathy kindled hope in awareness
On Sunday, November 10, 2024, the third international short film festival, Beneath The River Danube, was held in the cultural center “Dom ¬kulture” in Belgrade. In the competition of 1123
On Sunday, November 10, 2024, the third international short film festival, Beneath The River Danube, was held in the cultural center “Dom ¬kulture” in Belgrade. In the competition of 1123
U nedelju, 10. novembra 2024. godine u kulturnom centru “Dom ¬kulture“ u Beogradu, održan je treći internacionalni festival kratkometražnog filma “Festival pod Dunavom”. U konkurenciji od 1123 prijavljenih filmova iz
Continue readingSveopšta empatija razbuktela nadu u osvešćenje
On Saturday, June 1st 2024, the Second International Film Festival “Beneath the River Danube”, was held at Dom ¬kulture, in Belgrade. Among 1321 submitted movies from 97 different countries, 31
On Sunday, October 15th 2023, the First International Film Festival “Beneath the River Danube”, was held at Dom ¬kulture, in Belgrade (Serbia). Among 1120 submitted movies, 30 were officially selected
Continue readingThe Closing Ceremony of the First “Beneath The River Danube” Film Festival
Za šest godina bavljenja filmom, ovi mladi autori snimili su šest kratkih igranih filmova koji su prikazani širom sveta, a najviše nagrada čak 22, pobrao je film “Jad” u kome