The writer-director talks about his
directional debut film Load, about his connection with the audience, and what he thinks about the movie awards.
How did you get involved in the filmmaking industry to begin with?
Well, in my spare time I enjoy writing. So, when this story was finished I gave it to some friends who have had some experience in the filmmaking industry. The story caught their attention, we talked about it and in the end we’ve agreed to make a film out of it.
What is the most challenging aspect when making a short film?
The most challenging part is definitely finding the right people for the right roles. By that I mean the actors, but also the people that are off screen.
How are you able to create a connection with the audience throughout the plot in such a short period of time?
I was asking myself the same question. Instead of finding an answer I have decided to make a film that I would like to see. I thought that if it’s okay with me, it would be okay with others as well.
What makes the story and characters of your film special and what is the key to creating a unique story?
For me, the answer is in not trying to make an unique story, but an interesting one. That would be the kind of story that stays in the minds of the audience long after the projection is over.
What is your favorite part of creating short films?
Writing the script, simply because that’s the time I’m alone with myself and I have the absolute freedom of doing everything my way.
Why did you apply to be featured on The Short Film Show and how did you feel when you were selected to be featured on Sky?
I just wanted for my film to reach as many people as possible. That is why I was especially glad when I’ve heard that it would be shown on Sky.

What advice would you give to up and coming filmmakers?
Fellow filmmakers, do it your way!
What would winning an award at The International Short Film Show Awards mean to you?
I guess it would be great as it could help me a lot in the future, but getting an award of any kind was never really my goal. If it was, I would probably do a different type of movie. I only want to express myself and have fun while I’m doing that.
Judith Fragachan
25.11.2018, Nottingham, United Kingdom